The Kripalu Yoga and Wellness Center of Northern New York is founded on the belief that all humanity is one family and that the Divine is within each of us. Our Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the integration and well-being of body, mind, and spirit. We support this philosophy through the teaching and practice of yoga, health-related programs, and services to nurture personal growth and community.
Board Members
Nancy Pfeil – President. KYWC co-founder
Steven Williams – Treasurer and Building/Grounds
Val Silver – Webmaster/Facebook Admin, Secretary
Elizabeth (BJ) Mosher – Labyrinth Facilitator, support
Jeri Haldeman – yoga teacher

An Overview of the Kripalu Yoga and Wellness Center
The Kripalu Yoga and Wellness Center has been located in Adams Center, New York, since 1976. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the integration of body, mind, and spirit. We are founded on the belief that all humanity is one family and that the Divine dwells within each of us. We support this philosophy through the teaching and practice of Yoga, and by offering wellness-related programs and services to nurture personal growth and community.

On Our Property
The Center owns a house and eight acres of land. Since the year 2000, we have accomplished many renovations to our Center, including a new roof, new furnace, new bamboo flooring in our teaching space, painting and remodeling, and a new leach field for our septic system.
In 2003, we received a $2000 grant from the St. Lawrence County Arts Council to construct a 70-foot Labyrinth. In 2007, we received a $2000 grant from the Jefferson County Health Department to construct a half-mile Walking Trail. In 2010, we constructed Phase I of a Megalith Stone Circle and fire pit. In May 2016, we erected a full-sized Native American Tipi to be used for meditation, drumming circles, and retreats. Thanks to grants from the WalMart Foundation and Sixtown in 2023, we added a community garden and new benches and picnic tables to the grounds.
The grounds are free and open to the public during daylight hours. Located next to the information kiosk is a donation box to support the upkeep and maintenance of the grounds. We rent the upstairs apartment to a like-minded person. He is very willing to schedule a tour of our Center for you.
Yoga Classes, Drumming, and Wellness Programs
We offer yoga classes 4 days a week. Drop-ins are welcome at $15 per class. Reduced rates are offered when you pay in advance for multiple classes. The cost for students is $5 per class. Each of our certified yoga teachers has their own style and registration requirements. Come see which class is right for you.
We also offer a Drumming Circle on the second Friday of each month and the Wellness Connection (energy healing) on the third Sunday of each month. Personal growth workshops are scheduled at various times throughout the year.
See the current listing of classes and events under News for the month.
Get notifications of news and upcoming classes and events by signing up for the KYWC newsletter. You must be at least 16 years old to subscribe.
Our Vision for 2024
Our vision for 2024 is to continue to improve and sustain our Center in order to serve the needs of the community. In addition to our ongoing classes and events, we are working to include yoga classes for children and the underprivileged. We are also expanding our wellness programs.
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14029 US Route 11
Adams Center, NY 13606
Revised 10/2023