Hello Friends,
How quickly the shorter, colder days and the holiday season are approaching. With that, it is time to move our outside events indoors and to be mindful of Center closings due to the weather and the holiday season.
>>KYWC is closed when South Jeff school district closes for the day or cancels after-school activities due to weather.
>>The Center is closed for the holiday season on Thanksgiving Day and from December 19th-January 1st.
Until then, our schedule of yoga classes and events is as busy as ever.
Psychic and Wellness Fair
This event is a joint fundraiser for the Kripalu Yoga and Wellness Center and the Center for Spiritual Awareness.
Psychic readings, oracle card readings, and energy healing sessions are $20 for 15 minutes. You may purchase an extended session. We will have a 50/50 raffle and raffles for baskets of goodies and gift cards. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. More than 80 pieces of jewelry will be available for sale. Thank you for your support.

What is an oracle card reading? There are as many different styles of oracle card reading as there are types of decks! In general, it is a co-creative process between you and the reader you choose to work with. The images and words on the cards act as a ‘bridge’ to connect you with the inner wisdom of your soul, your helpers in spirit, and Infinite Intelligence so that you can access the answers and messages you are seeking. Readers help you gain clarity, reveal deeper meanings, and discern your next steps by asking you questions, sharing their insights and intuitive inklings, and/or sharing relevant information from the guidebook.
Here’s a tip: Prepare yourself for your reading beforehand. Take a few deep breaths, calm your mind, relax, and be open to exploring the messages that are revealed. Have your question ready. A clear question helps you have a clear, focused reading. For general readings, a great question to ask is: “What do I need to know (or focus on) at this time? OR: What does my soul/Spirit want me to know at this time? For a specific question, phrase it this way: “What do I need to know about ________?
Regularly Scheduled Events
Join us for the Meditation and Drumming Circle with Steve Williams and friends. Bring your own drum and rattles or borrow one of ours. Donations appreciated.
>>Friday, November 18th at 6 pm
>>Friday, December 9th at 6 pm
Healing Sunday (aka the Wellness Connection) is held on the 3rd Sunday of the month from 2-5 pm. Please arrive by 4 pm for your 20-30 minute energy session with our certified practitioners. By donation.
>>Sunday, November 20th
>>Sunday, December 18th
Yoga Classes
Monday and Wednesday 4:30-5:45 pm. Contact Jeri at jswhaldeman@gmail.com to register.
Tuesdays through November 8th. 1:00-2:30 pm. Email jeanmarieta@hotmail.com to register.
Flow and Restore on Mondays at 6:15-7:30 and Thursdays at 4:15-5:30.
Saturday Sunrise Flow at 9:15-10:30 am
Beginner Yoga on Thursdays at 6:15. This class is full. Dates and times for the next 6-week series TBD.
NEW!! Candlelight Restorative Yoga (Special 90-minute Class)
Restorative yoga relaxes the muscles by using props to support the body. In some restorative postures, you will also receive a gentle stretch. Restorative yoga poses are held anywhere from 5–20 minutes. The mental health benefits of this gentle yet profound style of yoga are well-documented—from reduced stress, anxiety, and depression to improved sleep, and overall quality of life. We will begin with extended breathwork and a candlelight meditation. Come to release and let go of tension and worries, taking up residence in your mind and body ….. and leave it on the mat. All needed restorative props will be supplied.
Sunday November 20th @ 6:00 – 7:30 pm
NEW !!!!! Yoga and Mindfulness for Pre-Teens and Teens (Special 75-minute class ages 12-16)
Sunday, November 27th, 3:30-5:00 pm
This class provides a non-competitive environment for teens and preteens to explore more complex poses and asana than in classes for younger children, as well as breathing exercises, movement games, mindfulness activities, and much-needed relaxation techniques.
Students learn techniques for concentrating, reducing stress, and connecting to their bodies in a loving way, while still being playful and fun. Classes often revolve around a philosophical theme and may include discussion, journaling, or mindful art.
Learn more and register for Carla’s classes on this form.
We wish you a blessed and happy holiday season.