KYWC is in need of helping hands for 2019 Spring-Summer Volunteer Projects. If you have a few hours to share, please call Steve at 315-583-5500.
**Raking the Grass: the Labyrinth Path, and the grass around the house and to clean out the flower beds, and the
**Repair: the side walls on the Children’s Twig-Tree House.

**Re-mulch: the parking lot to the house path, the picnic area, and the F.G.
**Walking Trail Path: trim and cut the thorny branches that over the path, replace the pole flags, and set out the sitting chairs and benches.
**Relocate: the sitting benches and chairs, and top-coat paint the plastic patio chairs.
**Fairy Garden: put out the decorations and create more Fairy House structures out of sticks and other found items.

**Create: more Artistic Sculpture Art on the trail and the gardens.
**Assist: with planting the annual flowers in pots and gardens
**Wash: the house windows inside and outside.
Your help is much appreciated. Thank you!