Kripalu February 2017 News

Hello Friends, 

We are looking forward to several new classes and events this spring.  

Mandala Workshop:

Would you like to make your own personalized mandala?

Watch for the upcoming mandala creation workshop scheduled for April 9th with Christine Tisa.  Details for this class will be posted on Facebook  and in the March newsletter. 

Pending New Classes: Chair Yoga Class and Tai Chi:

Are you interested in chair yoga and/or tai chi classes?

 If enough of you express an interest, we would add these classes to our schedule next month.

Regularly scheduled events:

Drumming Circle: Friday, February 10th from 7-9pm.

Wellness Connection: Sunday, February 19th from 2-5pm.

Yoga Classes:

Monday 5:30-7PM Yoga  315-778-0893

Enjoy a nourishing, soothing and stabilizing flow of postures. The class winds down with restorative yoga postures to comfort your body down to the cellular level. This class is open to all levels from beginner to experienced.

Jeri will be substituting for Nichole for the month of February.

Tuesday 9-10:30 AM Yoga with Barb 315-778-8141

Practice gently yoga breathing and meditation with guided relaxation, a great stress reliever.  The focus of Barbara’s class is between accessible and challenging, creating a catalyst for discovery and healing.

Tuesday 6-7:15 Yoga with Tanna 315-778-7293

Enjoy a nourishing, soothing and stabilizing flow of postures. The class winds down with restorative yoga postures to comfort your body down to the cellular level. This class is open to all levels from beginner to experienced.

Wednesday December 21 only- 6-730 Restorative Yoga

(rotating teacher schedule) 315-598-5500

This class incorporates many poses done on the floor, and the use of props, such as bolsters, blankets allow the body to settle and the muscles to relax and open in a gently way.

Thursday 6:30-8PM Yoga with Jeri 315-778-7505

Enjoy a nourishing, soothing and stabilizing flow of postures. The class winds down with restorative yoga postures to comfort your body down to the cellular level. This class is open to all levels from beginner to experienced.

Reminder: classes are cancelled if South Jefferson school district is closed because of weather.

Would you like to prepay for  four yoga classes with Paypal? Pay here or at the yoga center. 

“Yoga is the unifying art of transforming dharma into action, be it through inspired thought, properly nurturing our children, a painting, a kindness or an act of peace that forever moves humanity forward. ” ~Micheline Berry 
