Happy April and Happy Spring! Now that winter is loosening its grip and spring is in the air, we look forward to a new season of yoga and Tai Chi classes starting in April and May, ongoing events, and new workshops.
Next weekend, April 6th, we have the Breath-Body-Mind Workshop with Alice Smiley. Call Steve to add your name to the list of attendees.

Looking Ahead to May and June
We have several events and classes scheduled for May and June. Check our Facebook page for event listings. More details will follow in the May newsletter.
**Barb will be restarting her popular Chair Yoga Class sometime in April or May. Watch for the event listing on Facebook Chair yoga with Barb – April or May
**World Labyrinth Day Walk for Peace, Saturday, May 4th at 1 pm followed by Bealtaine May Day Celebration at 4 pm.
**Tai Chi Movement Class starts May 7th 5:00 pm, with Laurie Hulbert, $5 per class
**Gallery Fundraiser with Wilson Stevenson- Saturday, June 1st, 1-3pm $15 – call the Center to reserve your seat.
Yoga Classes
Tuesday 9-10:30 AM Yoga with Barb
Practice gentle yoga breathing and meditation with guided relaxation, a great stress reliever. The focus of Barb’s class is between accessible and challenging, creating a catalyst for discovery and healing.
Wednesday 10:15-11:45 Chair Yoga with Barb
Experience all the benefits of yoga with the assistance of a chair, including breath work, postures, meditation and restorative elements. Most postures are done from a seated position with a few standing or lying down on a mat using the chair for balance. Chair yoga is good for everyone, and especially good for individuals with physical limitations that make a yoga practice difficult without having a chair for support. This practice improves strength, flexibility, mindfulness and an overall sense of well being. We all need to keep moving – this is a safe way to move and practice yoga.
Wednesday 6:00-7:30 PM Thai Yoga with David Wells
Reduce joint pain, stiffness, and muscle aches naturally with self-massage, techniques, and exercises to improve flexibility and range of motion in your joints, back, shoulder, neck, and hips.
Thursday 6:00-7: 30 PM Yoga with Jeri
Enjoy a nourishing, soothing and stabilizing flow of postures. The class winds down with restorative yoga postures to comfort your body down to the cellular level. This class is open to all levels from beginner to experienced students.
Regularly Scheduled Events
Drumming and Meditation Circle
Friday, April 12th at 7 PM.
Facilitators: Steven Williams and Nancy Pfeil
Bring your own drums and rattles or borrow one of ours.
Donations appreciated.
Wellness Connection-Healing Sunday
Canceled on Sunday, April 21st – Happy Easter 🙂 Our healers offer private sessions. Call Steve at 315-583-5500 if you would like to schedule a session.
The Church for Spiritual Awareness will have its Easter morning service at 11 am on the 21st with Reverend Denise Knott. Join us for fellowship, spiritual teaching, and healing.
Spring Cleaning and Yardwork
KYWC needs help readying the center for 2019. If you have a few hours to share for yard work, gardening, making repairs, spiffing up our outdoor spaces, or window washing, please call Steve to set up a good time to come. Here is our wishlist for volunteer help. Thank you in advance.