KYWC News: July 2024

Happy Summer!

We are happy to announce that our new roof is on. No more leaks and it looks great. Thank you, Garvin Construction!

Next up is Steve’s apartment. The contractors will be at the Center on July 24-27th to repair the ceiling. The studio will be closed the week of the 22nd (Jean’s yoga class is still meeting) and part of the following week. The grounds and bathroom will be available for use.

Please note that Healing Sunday will end an hour early on July 21st so we have time to move Steve’s furniture and belongings out of the living room. Volunteers are needed starting at 4 pm!

Group Sound Bath

Come enjoy a relaxing sound bath with Michelle Gaeta on the third Saturday of each month at 5 pm. Experience a guided journey of breathwork, meditation, and the sounds of crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, and other instruments. Mats and blankets are provided.

Saturday, July 20th from 5-6 pm. Please arrive by 4:45 . Fee: $25 per person. Text or call Michelle at 910-987-0290 to pre-register by Thursday, evening, July 18th. A minimum of four people is required.

Healing Sunday

Enjoy a relaxing, restorative 30-minute energy balance session with one of our certified energy practitioners on the third Sunday of each month.

July 21st from 2-4 pm. Please arrive by 3 pm for your session. By donation.

You are also invited to attend the Center for Spiritual Awareness Healing and Message Service at 11 a.m. A Potluck Lunch follows the service.

Yoga Classes

Yoga with Carla

Text Carla at (315) 408-7569 to register for summer classes.

  • Flow and Restore: Monday, July 15 August 12, 6:15-7:30
  • Yoga Tone & Sculpt: July 11, August 1st, August 15th, 4:30-5:45 & 6:15-7:30
  • The autumn schedule will start on Thursday, September 19th. A Google form will be available for signups.

Chair Yoga with Jean

Tuesdays from 1 pm – 2:15 pm through July 23rd.  Please contact Jean at to register.

Coming in August and September

energy workshop
Everything is energy, including you. When energy moves without obstruction through your being, there is life-affirming, health-promoting FLOW. Energy system self-care helps you support and enhance this flow. During this workshop/retreat, you will have the opportunity to: **Explore energy techniques and practices from a variety of ancient and modern traditions that can help you heal and transform your life. **Deepen your knowledge of your energy system and experience energy-based tools that promote stress relief, resilience, vitality, holistic health, and a sense of well-being. **Connect with kindred spirits who use energy modalities to become healthier, happier versions of themselves! **Enjoy me-time for contemplation and rejuvenation. **Participate in a fire ceremony to release what no longer serves you and to invite in supporting energy. Cost: $50. A $20 nonrefundable deposit is required by Aug 1st to secure your spot. Minimum: 6 participants. Maximum: 12.

Ayurveda workshop

ascension classes
Dates, times, and details for mid-August and/or September coming soon. If you are interested (no obligation), please email Val. She will try to schedule the class for days and times that accommodate attendees. Please specify which days of the week you prefer, times of day, and if you prefer two full days (ie: 2 Saturdays AM and PM) or four weekly classes.