Exciting News!
The Sixtown Chamber of Commerce honored KYWC at its August meeting with a plaque commemorating 50 years of service to the North Country. Thank you so much 🙂
Two of our founders, Nancy Pfeil and Constance Daksha Archer (along with Val Silver and Steven Williams) were present to receive the plaque.

Upcoming Events

Drum Circle
Steve Williams and friends invite you to attend the Meditation and Drum Circle on September 9th at 6 pm. Bring your own drum and rattles, or borrow one of ours. Donations appreciated. Weather permitting, drumming will be held at the Stone Circle.
Wellness Connection – “Healing Sunday”
You are invited to join us for a 20-30 minute energy healing session with a certified practitioner on September 18th from 2 pm until 5 pm. Please arrive for your session by 4:00 pm.
CSA Service
The Center for Spiritual Awareness is holding its monthly service on September 18th at 11 am. Reverend Denise shares a Bible reading and spiritual message, followed by energy healing with practitioners and a personal message for attendees who desire one. All are welcome.
A Potluck lunch follows the service (approx 12:30). Bring a dish to pass and enjoy a good time of food and fellowship.
Weekly Yoga Classes
Chair Yoga with Jean – Tuesdays Sept 6th – November 8th. 1:00-2:30 pm. Email jeanmarieta@hotmail.com to register.
Yoga for EveryBody with Jeri – Wednesday, 4:30-5:45 pm. Contact Jeri at jswhaldeman@gmail.com to register.
Flow and Restore with Carla on Monday at 6:15-7:30 and Thursday at 4:15.
Carla’s classes are canceled on Monday, September 5th and 12th, and Thursday, Sept 15th.
Saturday Sunrise Class with Carla September 24th @ 9:15-10:30am
Beginner Yoga class with Carla on Thursdays, starting September 22nd. This class fills up fast, so register early.
Learn more and register for Carla’s September classes on this form.
We hope to see you at our classes and events 🙂