Hello Friends,
We are excited to tell you that there is a lot going on behind the scenes at KYWC. We are starting our membership drive, doing a survey to see which programs/classes you would like us to offer, and planning upgrades on our grounds.
A main focus this year is continuing to improve our grounds. We envision creating welcoming, safe, peaceful outdoor spaces where you can destress, rejuvenate, enjoy activities with friends and family, and connect with nature, your soul, and the sacred.
As you can imagine, it takes a lot of time, work, and money to make that happen. The good news is that we are off to a good start.
- Thanks to the generous donations of Reverend Denise’s family and friends we can purchase a nice bench or two in her memory.
- Thanks to a grant from the Northern New York Community Foundation Six Town Community Fund, we can improve our outdoor seating. If you’ve seen our picnic table, benches, and chairs, you know that some of them are in dire need of replacing.
- Thanks to our volunteer, Michelle Gaeta and Walmart, plans are in the works to install and fund a small community garden by the tipi.
We’ll keep you posted on our progress and opportunities to participate as the warm weather season approaches. (Yes, it will come!)
In the meantime, we would appreciate you taking the step to become a KYWC member (or renew your membership) and to complete the interest survey. Many thanks.
Our members are important to us. We value your input, contribution, and fellowship at KYWC. The Center could not fulfill its mission without your support and involvement.
Unfortunately, one of the annual activities that went by the wayside during the pandemic was our May membership drive. To get back on track, we are starting early this year and throwing in some perks as a thank you for saying ‘yes’.
- Everyone who signs up or renews now will have their yearly membership extended through the end of May 2024 (1 year) or May of 2025 (2 year).
- Val and Steve will gift two members an oracle card reading ($50 value). To be chosen, we must receive your completed membership form, interest survey, and dues by March 31st, 2023. Recipients will be picked randomly and notified during the first week of April. Adults only.
- Something new! Members may display a business card or pamphlet in a designated location at the Center. With a 2-year membership and a small additional fee, we will also feature your business/services on our Supporting Friends page (coming soon) through May 2025.
Read about member benefits and download your membership form and interest survey here.
Please complete both forms and bring/mail them to the Center with your check or money order. Cash is also accepted at the Center. Thank you much 🙂
Classes and Events
Here is the February schedule of classes and events. Reminder: when South Jeff school district closes for the day or cancels after-school activities, KYWC activities are also cancelled for your safety.
Drumming and Meditation Circle
Canceled for February
Healing Sunday
Come enjoy a relaxing 20–30-minute energy balance session with one of our certified practitioners.
February 19th from 2 pm until 5 pm. Please arrive by 4 pm. By donation.
Chanting Workshops
Coming soon! Mark your calendar for this new workshop series with Clancy Cox.

This workshop series is for all who dream of a more joyful and easy relationship with their voice. Clancy will guide you through joyful vocal exercises to support lung capacity and health. At each workshop we will learn a different Sanskrit chant. This is a wonderful opportunity to find and explore the beauty and power of your voice beyond speaking. No prior experience needed. Cost $25 per session.
- Saturday, March 4th, 2-4 pm
- Saturday, April 1st, 2-4 pm
- Saturday, May 13th, 2-4 pm
Yoga Classes
Reminder: Yoga classes are canceled when South Jeff closes school or cancels after-school activities due to weather.
Yoga with Carla
See Carla’s class descriptions, schedule and registration form here.
- MONDAYS: Flow and Restore (6:15-7:30 pm) No class February 20th
- THURSDAYS: Flow and Restore (4:15-5:30 pm)
- THURSDAYS: Beginner Flow (6:15-7:30 pm)
- SATURDAY: Feb 11th Yoga Tone and Sculpt (9:15-10:30 am)
- SUNDAY: Feb 12th Candlelight Restorative Yoga (6:00-7:30 pm)
Hatha Flow with Jeri
Relax, Renew, Rejuvenate
Mondays and Wednesdays 4:30-5:45 pm.
Contact Jeri at jswhaldeman@gmail.com to register.
Wishing you a month filled with love, joy, and peace.